Good Morning,
What a day yesterday... $279 to snake our kitchen sink in order to fix the floor drain clog next to the shop. It took him 20 whole minutes. Don't have a calculator? That's $837 per hour... I'm definitely in the wrong business, except for the fact that I don't do plumbing and schlepping around a snake and plumbers stuff holds zero appeal, so I guess I'll just stay with the sticks. To top it all of, he had the whole plumbers butt crack thing going on... Ivy found it interesting... I found it appalling, and people complain about my prices.
Between the drain, blogging, 5 different ETSY conversations going on at once, roughing, engraving and inlaying, I was toast by 6:00 last night. Oh ya, lets not forget the stick that quite literally blew up in my face, first time ever, thank goodness for safety glasses... otherwise I would be blind right now. Well, I managed to get myself incredibly confused, I couldn't remember whose stick was who's, inlays, lengths... anything. So, I shut the shop down and found a beer.
Also, I forgot, after a couple of hours yesterday afternoon sitting at the bottom of the trash can, I pulled the exploded stick out, and managed to find a pretty little petite that was just crying out to be found, so that's a little bit of good news.
For today it's pretty much trying to wrap up the pending pinecones. Here's how I resolved the confusion issue, the sticky's weren't there yesterday so you can see how one can get confused.
Have a great day, I'll be checking in later.
Update: 8:00 AM
I just finished that little exploding petite and Erin will be posting it shortly. Don't worry, the section that exploded was "turned away", he's a sturdy little guy.
I also just caught up on LHC, so let me put my 2 cents in as it relates to stress. I understand that Friday Night Sales are probably stressful for some, not on our end though. :) With the majority of inventory generally being sold in under 2 minutes, so yes, I get it, that's stressful. The absolute last thing that I want with this whole blog thing is to create stress, I need it to alleviate stress. There's that, and also to let you into our life a little, and perhaps see behind the curtain. So, if it gets stressful for whatever reason, heck, I'll just simply change the rules. I have enough going on where I don't need this to create stress.
My hope is that through all of these silly-ass games I'm playing that each and every one of you gets a stick that you want, some how or some way. Just because you've been beat out on one, please... don't sweat it. Here's a little secret: That's the exact reason I'm doing
"Surprise Customs". Unfortunately, customs slow me down, no matter how simple the design. So, no I can't pump them out as fast as in the past, but my preference is zero inventory and you (at some point), get what you want.
Hope this helps.