Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 23 - Today's plan

Good Morning,

I glanced again at the picture that I posted yesterday and realized that there's a clue to the upcoming "Guess the number of woods" contest.  In the upper right hand corner you can see 1/3rd of my wood storage bins.  So here's the math... each box has 18 cubby's, so there's a potential of 54 different woods.  Aw, but the challenge is: does each cubby contain wood?  I'm still working on the contest, so still no guessing yet.

It always happens... both Christine and Slynr sent me their ETSY notes within seconds of each other last night and now I have a custom list again... fortunately it's a sum total of 2 vs. +/- 50 this time last year, so I think I can manage it.  So going in order, I'll be working on Christine's first, and Slynr you're up next. 

Today's Lineup
  • Christine's of course
  • Blackwood Rose topper and abalone but with a twist.  It looks like this one is going to work, I've had 3 failures so far, again... it's one of my far fetched ideas, I think it looks good at this point however.... but once again, who cares what I think.
  • A lot of positive feedback yesterday so I just have to do it again... a Full body "stars" pinecone
Have a great day!


  1. Oh I'm just thrilled to see all three!!

  2. Sarah and Slynr, thank you both so much for your suggestion yesterday, I've been giving it a lot of thought, I think I might have an idea again.

  3. Yep, I think it's going to work. Thanks again!

  4. If this is in reference to resins I am in serious trouble... and forever in debt to Slynr and Sarah <3 Looking forward to today's postings!

  5. oh geez, me too sagon. Me too.

  6. Oh no!! I mean oh yes! Ugh....I'm afraid for my wallet!

  7. Sorry ladies, it didn't work... 3 hours later and it's at the bottom of the trashcan.

  8. Sorry it didn't work out, Doug! I was excited to see it! But just as excited to see more pinecone star sticks! and my custom!! :D

  9. ... it was the pinecone star stick that bought the farm. I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve however.

  10. Well drat:) all you can do it try!!!

  11. Bummer. Hopefully your trial and error are leading in the right direction *fingerscrossed* Really appreciate your effort.

  12. Well the "rose in vase" one was very creative and beautiful!

  13. I agree, it was a treat to see that Rose stick!
