Saturday, March 5, 2016

A question for you

Good Morning,

Yesterday I received a custom request for a Paris themed stick.  Well, I don't have any such thing, so the request would technically fall under the "create it from scratch" category, which we charge more for accounting for design time, etc.  I'm thinking about waiving the additional fee, pending a question I have for you.

As often happens, my mind began drifting back 15 years ago when we visited Paris.  We absolutely love the city, it was the most memorable trip of my life.

After having revisited Paris in my mind, I began thinking, and here's my question.  Does anyone think that there might be any interest in creating a "Cityscape" series, Paris, London, Munich, NYC just to name a few?

I think it could be kind of cool, but then again, I generally like most of my ideas initially.  If you would, please share your thoughts with me, because I'm getting tired of chasing down empty rabbit holes, and believe me I've got empty rabbit holes all over the place.

Thanks for any input, and have a great weekend!


  1. I think this could be very cool indeed, and I'd love to see a Rome-themed stick... though off the top of my head I have no actual design ideas to contribute. It's a great idea, though!

  2. Thanks Raphaela, I think it could be fun.

  3. I would definitely buy a NYC one ;)

  4. Should've added specially with blue paua and silvery bits for a night-time type of theme...dreamy!!!

  5. I like it... you all just keep dreaming stuff up.

  6. That's not something that would interest me.

  7. I understand, it would definitely be a niche type of stick, certainly not for everyone.

  8. I think it's cool and thinking outside your own boundaries always helps....

    Maybe choosing something truly iconic about each of these major cities, like the Eiffel Tower on one end and the Notre Dame on the other, with some night sky or the Seine river in the middle or... Oh, for London, the contours of the House of the Parlament with the famous clock tower ( just contour designs of course) in a sunset sky...
    Or Moscow's famous and colourful Saint Basil Cathedral... Or ...San Francisco's Bay Bridge.. Or Sao Paolo's Christ the Redeemer or...
    ... My God, my imagination is running wild, I think this would be a beautiful niche full of artistic opportunities! It would be AMAZING!
    but don't count on my opinion because sadly I'm not one of those who can afford these kind of hair toys... (or at least not too often, lol...) though I remain one of your faithful admirers :)

  9. Cool idea, but eclectic. I would totally be on board for buying a Pittsburgh skyline hairstick!

  10. I like DweamGoiL's dream stick :)

  11. Universe themed hair sticks. That would be AWESOME! Galaxies....nebulas.....stars....planets....

    And lots of lots of inspiration at

    1. I'm hoping to get up the nerve to ask for a custom in this theme. It will be my first TT

    2. I'm hoping to get up the nerve to ask for a custom in this theme. It will be my first TT

    3. Just send me a note through ETSY, no need to be nervous, I don't bite :)

  12. The city scapes would be beautiful, though not my personal love. The idea of a universe themed stick would be AMAZING though! The Hubble site has so many gorgeous pictures for inspiration.

  13. I saw the comment on LHC today, so thanks for the reminder. Right now I'm kind of playing with dweamgoil's idea... I think I'm almost there... NYC skyline on blue paua with silver epe stars... I spent almost an hour this morning, nope, last night and found about 30 NYC images I like.

    I do actually pay attention, I'm all about the free ideas, that kind of price is just right in my world.
