Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Design Corner

Hi All,

I've set up a new blog entirely focused on the design of clips and forks and whatever else we may come up with.  As it turns out, I can't have a portion of this blog that is private, so I just made a new one that is.

If you're interested in participating, just send me a note through ETSY, and I'll add you to the member list and send you a link to the blog.


Update... 45 minutes later...

Wow, that went quicker than I thought, I was going to be happy with 2 volunteers over the next couple of weeks.  Josie, the charter member has now verified with me that I need your email address.  I wasn't sure if it was the user name or the email address, so thank you Josie!


  1. Forks!? I hope this works out! :D

  2. I'm getting there, I'm mainly focused on the clips for right now... there just aren't enough hours in the day.

  3. I don't often wear clips, but I'm sure I'd need one.
    I loved the barrettes you did and really wanted one, but I absolutely never wear those.
    Good luck with the new designs!
